Friday, January 30, 2009

Goodnight Benjamin

I set up the camera to record Benjamin at 9:00 p.m.  It is up by his radio, which is on MPR.  As the door closes he gets right to work eating his "nummies".  Then he jumps off the bed for a quick drink of "water with ice".  He plays with his toys for a long half hour, and then he starts winding down.  When he talks it is about Lauren.  What he says is, "Baby, come on.  No play with baby.  Uh, oh Baby...  No share, Baby?  Oh, Baby's crying... and is sad."  He gets some good scratching in and finally rolls over one last time before falling asleep 53 minutes after the door closed.

1 comment:

  1. funny! We sometimes hear Ib still up 2 hours after we tucked him in.
